Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A timely message when there are cakes in the staff meeting

My job is big on celebrating birthdays! If there are 3 birthdays in the month, we have three cakes! If it is someone's anniversary, there is another cake! There are always pastries in the kitchen. We are overloaded with sugar and carbs! Right before going into the staff meeting today, I decided to do my Skinny School lesson on lunch. This message was timely! Here is my summary: We all mess up! That is simply human nature. Some mess up/fall off more than others. Your success is determined by the way tog handle those slip ups. The result of large slips is usually utter discouragement. So as soon as you slip with your eating and exercising, don't wait. Get back on track immediately! The emotional suffering that comes with being overweight is much harder than the temporary discomfort associated with working toward your health and fitness goals. Imagine how you will feel when you can feel comfortable in anything you wear. Imagine the freedom associated with not having to think about your weight all day long? Some may call you obsessed with your goals. What some see as obsession is simply discipline. People who criticize your discipline are trying to find comfort in their own laziness. Pray that they see the light like you have. There were 2 cakes!!!! No cake for me today. I am learning self-mastery. Sorry if it bothers you that while you're having seconds, I'm sipping tea.

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